· Use the pictures in board games – before each turn have your child practice 2-3 words (phrases, sentences, whatever level you are on). You can practice before you turn as well, to serve as a model of correct production.
· Play BINGO – find pictures (clipart is great) and make BINGO boards that target the sound and position, you child is working on. You can also do this for phrases and sentences.
· Play tic-tac-toe – find pictures or just write words (if your child reads) in the squares. Use different colored chips or other tokens rather than drawing X’s and O’s so you can use the boards over again.
· Do art projects – your child has to “earn” art supplies by saying a certain number of words for each one (for example, 3 words for a new crayon, 6 words for glitter, etc).
· Make collages – find pictures in magazines or draw pictures of things that have the target sound in them. If you have access to lamination and binding, you can make them into a book to be shared with grandparents (and count as extra practice).
· Card games – you can make cards by copying doubles of the picture pages included or clipart/magazines, etc, and glue them onto construction paper rectangles. (I usually make mine 2” x 3” or so) and use them for Go-Fish, or Memory.
· Theme meals – brainstorm (with your child) a list of foods that contain the target sounds and have a theme meal. Practice speech by asking “Please pass the __________”, whenever you want something.
· Car games – have a competition in the car driving to lessons or whatever to see who can spot the most things containing the error sound.